Online Training
Our online safety training courses encompass rich media animations, studio produced audio, dynamic Flash and 3D simulations designed not only to convey the subject matter, but to engage the learner.
Your learners won't be able to go brain-dead, simply toggling through slides; rather, they are continuously challenged throughout the course to solve puzzles, answer questions, and interact with the training.
For those that are already using online training, you can go directly to the login page here.
The SafetySkills training library consists of 350+ environmental, occupational health and safety (EHS) and human resources (HR) compliance titles targeted toward multiple industries.
When utilized during regularly scheduled work shifts, at the normal rate of pay, these courses can fulfill OSHA requirements for many knowledge-based training requirements
Take a look at the SafetySkills catalog to see a full list of courses offered.
Available Courses Include:
- Active Shooter
- Back Injury Prevention
- Drug Free Workplace
- Emergency Action Plans
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Fire Safety
- Hazard Communication
- Slips, Trips, and Falls
- Violence in the Workplace
- Plus many more!
With the SafetySkills Online program, JT&S provides an effective and efficient
method to deliver quality training content to all of your employees.
We assign, track, and manage your employees’ training courses for you. All we need is some brief information to get your trainees set up and then they'll be on their way to training in no time!
Our self-paced courses in multiple languages are accessible through our user-friendly interface 24/7, on desktop or mobile, anywhere in the world.
The flexibility of courses through online access will allow employees to access, initiate, and complete the training in increments over several days or in a single session